Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Wowza what a busy month(s)

2013 thank you for all of the amazing surprises and crazy events! I almost need to take a breather just thinking about everything that has gone on and is going on! from a new store opening, running my first marathon, getting a promotion(yesterday!), turning the big two-one, and plethora of other races throughout the summer to bring me to another marathon to finish out the year in October, whoa - had enough yet? I haven't.

the summer is here and that means I am feeling 100% amazing. i've been spending my days off at the beach, catching a tan burn, and just plain enjoying this fantastic weather. i'm still trying to figure myself out in this crazy world but right now at this moment everything feels it is all exactly how it should be and boy does that feel good. everything does happen for a reason and it all happens at exactly the right time. i'm really just enjoying the moment and staying present each and every day and in new england, where we only get about 4 months of great weather, if we are lucky, i am making sure i take advantage of every single day and really embracing this summer.

i read this truly touching and inspiring story in runners world and i would like to share..


Remy is an amazing writer and encapsulates the feeling at the Boston Marathon and really any Marathon for that matter. It's the spectators, the crowd that keeps us going and we truly could not run those 26.2 without them.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A little party never killed nobody

AH Summer has given me such a breath of FRESH AIR. Sometimes I can get so caught up in my daily routine and life that I forget that I am so observant and the small things in life really make me the most happy. After a 3 mile run with a friend we sat in the grass and just talked, watched people running and walking by and it was so great. When I hang out with her I feel like a kid again with being able to just go out late on a summer night and run just like when youre a kid and you meet your neighborhood friends out as the streetlights come on to play manhunt. It was so beautiful and nice to watch the buildings nearby light up for the night and have people walking by socializing in the warmth, getting ice cream. It just makes me so darn happy! That is what life is about and I shouldn't have to remind myself that is what it is all about! It is just so great to be happy and thankful for what you have in life. I sometimes don't embrace every minute that I have the most AMAZING people in my life and the most amazing things going on and I do appreciate it all but I feel like I am awakening again with the summer, and being a child of summer I think that can only be natural right? The Winter here in New England makes us all feel life is lost and dead and the thing that is amazing about New England is that when the warm weather comes around again instantly everyone becomes more friendly and gets the life back into them. Hooray!!!!! 

This definitely calls for one of many of my favorite quotes from a certain favorite book which I had the pleasure of seeing on the big screen two nights ago and have been listening to the soundtrack on repeat. 

"And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.
f.scott fitzgerald, the great gatsby

Thursday, May 16, 2013


It's true what you hear, that running 26.2 will change who you are. It did for me. I didn't cry for 4 years, weird right? Must be some deeper emotional issue I have, hmm, But since the Marathon I have cried countless times. I cried before I ran, during the race, getting the medal placed around my neck, eating post race pizza, driving past where the race was. You name it, I'll cry over it (only about running though of course). My race recap will be blurred since it was my first one so there was a whirlwind of emotions working through my body but I will try my best!

At 7:30 us runners lined up at the starting line, waiting for the gun. I was in between the 9:00-10:00 pacers (finishing time of 4:10-4:30) so I moved up to my normal pace of 8 which I would eventually find out was not the best decision. The gun didn't fire until 7:40 (que immense waves of frustration, nerves, jiggly legs etc) and then were off. We took off to the East Side of Providence and I was feeling like a million bucks. It was a rainy day but turned out to be humid so my pullover came off before we even hit mile one, so I had to tie it against my waist eh. I was running 8-8:30 min. miles until about mile 15. I was ahead of the 3:10 pacers for most of the race and thats how I knew I was going way too fast for my own good. Since that is normally how I run I felt good but It would eventually catch up to me when I hit the wall at Mile 17. I had heard it countless time 'Don't let the adrenaline get you' , 'Start off slower than your regular pace' but of course I didn't heed them. It is so hard, all the buildup and the excitement, I kept telling myself to slow down but I was just too excited. 

I stopped at almost hydration station to ensure I was properly hydrated because I am always paranoid of dehydration and collapsing. Surprisingly I did not have to stop to pee once! Which usually I do on a 3 mile run because of my ridiculously small bladder. There was not a crazy amount of people cheering on the side, there are times when we were completely alone but when there were spectators it was amazing and they got me through a lot. A few people at several miles had the sign "Boston Strong, Do It For Boston" - which brought my to tears each time and pushed me harder.  At mile 17 I felt my legs losing their energy and my mind began to wander to I took a Clif ShotBlox, which I never trained with and I KNOW that is the cardinal rule to follow, not do anything different on race day but I did and I learned the hard way. Mile 20 my stomach was on fire, I was in so much pain from my stomach to my ankles and I had to walk. I was not dropping out no matter what, I would have crawled if I had to to finish.

I also always heard stories of amazing encounters on marathons and speaking to other runners who will encourage you, which is 100% true of almost anyone you talk to. Around mile 15 a man gave me one of the water bottles from his belt because the next station was not until another 2.5 miles. At mile 20 I met Leslie, a Marathon Maniac who was currently in the process of completing her 26th Marathon and 21st of many states. What an inspiring and amazing woman and runner. She knew I was upset and encouraged me to keep going, she kept my mind off the present moment by telling me stories and different things about her, her kids and husband and life in general. She told me what I needed to hear that it was my first marathon, don't worry about the time and once this is over I am going to go home and register for my next one. I will say she was 100% right about everything, I owe my last 6.2 miles to her, If I hadn't met her I am not sure what I would have done. I am forever grateful for you Leslie and I am so lucky to have met you. 

Totally ignoring the sharp pain in my left ankle and my stomach, I sprinted the last 1.2 miles because I'd be damned if they took my finishing picture of me walking! I was finishing strong. And I did, in about 5 hours but I did it. I know if I had kept running at my beginning pace I would have qualified for Boston, making my first Marathon a truly amazing marathon to remember but once I was off of that time I didn't care, I just wanted to finish. And it still was the truly most amazing experience of my entire life and I am counting down the days until my next chance at crossing that marathon finish line (which is October 13th). 

26.2 has a permanent place in my heart. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

7 Days

I started this post yesterday but apparently it did not save! Oopsies. 

I am, well was (yesterday) a week away from running my first 26.2. I am not going to lie, I am nervous as hell. There are times of my normal calmness about big events and then there are (more frequently) spurts of nerves and the butterflies literally make me sick. I just can't believe I am here. I used to not even be able to run a mile without huffing and puffing, stopping to walk let alone run a sub-7 minute mile. I never thought I would be a runner, a marathoner, an endurance athlete but here I am. And with my mantra which is to inspire at least one person a day to run, which is happening quite frequently already I found out. My passion is clear and running has changed my life forever, I no longer look at things as difficult or a challenge, and when something is a challenge I accept it and I strive to accomplish it and win. My goals are scarier, more radical and exciting. I am fully present all most of the time and I cry when I read Runner's World (please tell me you do to?!?) But honestly, don't ever think you can't do it, whatever IT is and whatever your goals are. Do not think you can't go from running a 16 minute mile to a 6 minute mile, because you can. If I can, you definitely can. 

As the minutes go by and the 12th is getting closer I can't say I am not shaking from my nerves. My goal is to qualify for Boston (what runners isnt) but my ultimate goal is to finish. It has been brought to my attention that, that goal is a pretty audacious one and I think it is feasible but if I can finish in 4:00:00 I can't say I wouldn't be happy. I would rather finish at that pace than collapse at mile 17 from running a BQ pace. And now that I am officially in taper time I just want to run FOREVER, it is so hard to sit still! All this energy I need to get out, which I know I can't (with a projected 7 miles total to run before the big day, that's it!) I am learning, this whole life is a learning process but running has given me so much advice, life lessons, it has taught me to approach and look at life completely differently than I ever had before. To become a runner, which I always wanted to be but never thought I could be, it does mean a lot. I need to take this time to rest, recover and get excited to finish! (qualify :p) but really, this was and is my goal and it is going to happen. 

end note: I am aware I have not made a post acknowledging the Boston bombings and it is for a number of reasons, number one being I was there. I am still processing, and mapping my way through these scattered feelings. I will write about it, I am just not ready to put my feelings effectively into writing. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Working like a dog

Wow, So it has been a super hectic past 11 days. I have worked nonstop (which I love) but boy am I exhausted. Let's start with last Monday though, when I ran one of the best runs of my life. I went down to Narragansett beach and it was just beyond beautiful. It was a warm day, about 70 and the sand was packed where it was not too much of a challenge to run on. I ran from one end to the other twice and I took my shirt off and ran just in my bra...WHAT? yeah I couldn't believe it either! It was that beautiful out! Plus I had crops and a long sleeve on so I didn't really have a choice if I did not want to overheat.
Here is what I was lucky enough to run next to/on

Just had to get that out there, if you have a beautiful day and/or live near a beach, GO RUN. you will thank yourself later.

Without further ado, HAPPY SATURDAY! and boy has it been a good one. to get back writing here, have a great 4 mile run and an amazing brunch today is just what the doctor ordered for a busy woman like me. 

yes, that is a steak knife with my french toast. I haven't had french toast in about 2 years and I think I deserved it today (and the sangria, home fried and eggs)

We took this little sweetheart on a ride to go get some iced coffees after a nice 2 hour nap which followed brunch 

Hooray for the weekend!!!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Good Morning!

Last night I had a great practice at one of my favorite studios. *que the soreness from Crossfit on mon., two yoga classes yesterday eeek* but it was just what I needed. To go along with not feeling 100% myself and carefree and present lately, I think that practice really helped and the savasana definitely added as well! This morning I am going out on a short run, I don't care it is 30 degrees it is Spring, HELLO APRIL!!!! 

By the way, I suggest going to your closest CVS, Target or wherever and buying TONS OF EASTER CANDY that is HALF OFF WOO! This type of food totally goes against my daily diet but you know what, live a little and three bags of reeses cups for $3 aint so bad if I say so myself! (especially if you plan on making these cookies with them) 

I wanted to post my view and experience with and on Yoga. It is a post I have been brewing up in my mind for a little while now so I figured I'd give it a go. 

When I went to my first yoga class, at Boston Sports Club I was lost. I did not think it was going to be that difficult, and I thought it was not for me so I gave up. Not to go again for a few months. In the next few months my life went through some major changes, some negative and some positive. I was kind of lost and I think I also lost my true meaning along the way of making my way through that time anyways. I checked local studios schedules and I decided to dive back in. Once I did I started to understand why It was so difficult for me, it was because I had no control over my mind. My body was moving but was totally not connected to what I was thinking or how I was breathing. (which if you don't know, is the most important part of yoga, I think) My body was on auto-pilot. I kept going, it was my goal to make this practice mine and get what my body and mind needed out of it. I have learned so much through yoga, mostly that I am capable of anything. I set my mind to try again and I did and now not a day goes by where I do not practice yoga at least once (big thanks to my AMAZING job). Whether it was something that instructor said during class, those bits of inspirational comments that I absolutely love, or me holding bird of paradise the whole duration of the pose without wavering and realizing that I am in fact in command of this body and I can control my breathing and my mind. To this day, every class I go to I learn something new and something different. I am eternally grateful to what yoga has brought into my life and what it has taught me. But it wouldn't have taught me any of this if I did not open up my mind and heart to what it has to offer. I am sure I can go on much longer and I do yoga for a number of reasons, that are all important to me. My advice to anyone who is skeptical or scared to try yoga (or anything new) is try it, you don't nessicarily know what you are capable of until you try. And that thing just may change your life. 


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I've been lacking

in motivation the past couple of weeks. from running, yoga, blogging, fun, etc. I feel as though the list goes on and on and its tough not to be tough on myself. But I think I am coming around. I had been working a ton, but finally I took a step back and with some help from my man I realized what is important in life and to return to being true to myself and just simply, do what I love.

It's that simple (easier said than done sometimes) but running/yoga/funtimes had taken a back seat to work (which is completely normal) but usually I have a pretty good balance going on. I had to look deep into myself and figure out what was bothering me. What I have always been a victim of is waiting for the perfect time for something, over-thinking doing something I would like to do or somewhere I would like to go. For a while now I have been working on that (and become tremendously better at seizing the moment) but sometimes I still get stuck in that old mindset.

So after some conversations and just becoming more in sync with my mind and my body I have returned to doing what I want, when I want that makes me happy, benefits me and takes advantage of the moment! (hallelujah!) Just a little reminder that life gets hectic, yeah more often than not. But you are defined on how you handle those setbacks and how you motivate yourself to be true to your being and your life course and not straying by going the 'easy' way. We all get stuck in these little funks but what I found is just being natural to yourself and letting yourself just be, be what and who you are can really turn the negative perspective back into a positive one. Here's to doing all of the things I want to again and seizing the moment every time I can! from going out to grab a coffee, running even though it just started sprinkling, going to yoga at 7.30pm skydiving and MORE! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Get outta here snow!

Seriously? Snow on the day before the first day of spring? Just a reminder that Mother Nature loves to surprise New England. And throw a curveball in my marathon training (hello treadmill). I can't even put in words how excited I am for Spring and how it needs to arrive SOONER rather than later. Here in New England we got another two inches of snow, that needs to start melting - now. 

I wanted to stray from the usual post of running and yoga and talk about the walking dead for a second. Yes, The Walking Dead and one of my new obsessions thanks to a friend getting me addicted. So I finally caught up to season three and I was able to watch the brand new episode that aired Sunday night and whoa.. is anyone else feeling angry? I sure hope so. Andrea being held by the crazy governor?!? Ugh he just sickens me. What I am really upset about is that these two groups are going to war. Oh there is only a zombie apocalypse going on but lets kill the potential only 50 survivors, oh yeah great idea! Human instinct, shuman shintsict. This is ridiculous, they should just form one super group that will INCREASE their chances of survival and potentially keep the human race going.

Ok, that is off my chest. I also wanted to share some interesting and healthy recipes I have found lately. This delicious one is courtesy of Ambitious Kitchen, which is one of my favorite blogs. It is a flour-less and butter-less Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie ( can you say yum) 


I think I will be baking those this week. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Who's Bikram?

This week I tried Bikram yoga for the first time. My experience was, interesting. I know about Bikram and have read tons about it but had not tried it and wanted to for a while. It was located in this beautiful mill building in Providence and the atmosphere and landscape were amazing. I was prepared for the heat, and poses but not necessarily the fatigue. Walking in the 105 degree room I immediately started sweating, that sweat that just glistens over and is sticky (ick). Once class started, with the standing poses I was feeling okay. The breathing exercises in the beginning I was not so crazy about. And the whole rule of waiting to drink water does not seem ok to me. The standing poses didn't pose too much difficulty to me at first but once the room got warmer, which it eventually reached about 115 with 40% humidity, I was feeling pretty light headed and nauseous. I was so relieved when he told us to get on our backs, but oh to my surprise that was only half way through the class. I struggled throughout the second half, the blowing up air when sitting up was a killer and poses I can normally do in any heated vinyasa class really were like torture during this class. I cannot express my gratitude of happiness once class ended.

To me yoga is about a mind body and spirit connection, to control your breath and call on your inner strength to hold poses and get in and out of them. It is not about rigidity or rules or protocols. It is about listening to your body and respecting it while also strengthening your body and your mind. Bikram is totally opposite of all these principles, and I think that is why maybe it was not my cup of tea. I also have to listen to my body because since I am training for a marathon my body is getting tired easier and is not used to the mileage I am putting on it. So making it to yoga has posed a struggle the past two weeks, not so much of one that I thought it would be but it is just that constant battle of finding a perfect balance between yoga and running for me (a lifelong one I foresee) Well overall it was an interesting experience. It is not my type of yoga but I am willing to try again and be strong enough to hold all the poses! (maybe after my marathon) and maybe not this week because after working 50 hours last week I am pretty beat. 

To touch on motivation once again, (and probably not the last time in this blog) I was lacking again this morning and after not being able to fit some long runs in this week, I have a chance this morning and tomorrow. Also with the impending snow on New England and the chilly 19 degrees I woke up to this morning, my bed was looking more and more like a best friend. Then Julie Weiss came on the today show, after running 52 marathons in a year, fighting the battle against pancreatic cancer which her Father died from. I have to say I did tear up and if she can do that, I can get out there and run today. 

How did your weekend go? Any good classes, yoga or runs happening around?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Where are you motivation!?

Yesterday I had a talk with my boyfriend on how as much as I already do, I want to take on more. I want to get outside and hike more and surf in the summer and create these yoga beach events I want to, and run at the crack of dawn so I have time in my day. I planned to start today, which unfortunately I did not. Thats okay though, my determination is there I just need to follow through. Starting tomorrow, for my medium and small runs I am going to get out of the door right after I wake up. I already wake up at 6:30 when my boyfriend leaves, so instead of laying in bed for that extra half an hour I am going to get up, go run, come home then get ready for work and the rest of my day.

I guess I am a morning person but for some reason this still poses difficulty (I blame the cold weather?) We are both active people, my boyfriend and I but don't you ever get the feeling you want to do MORE? get out there? Yesterday during savasana after my 5:15 vinyasa class, I realized I need to do more and I can, it is myself who is setting these 'rules' and 'boundaries', there are no rules or boundaries! I need to break that wall and instead of scheduling always my day how it will 'make the most sense' (which is dumb) I am going to flow, just like a vinyasa class, with what feels good. and if that means running at 6 am, hiking after work, surfing at midnight - so be it! I will do it. And to think I was in the parking lot of yoga yesterday contemplating if I definitely wanted to go in or not, and boy am I so happy I did. How do you get out of that funk and push yourself? I would love to know. And if you do set these barriers, and boundaries for yourself how do you push past them? If you haven't, I know you can. 

this photo spoke to me as I was writing this (grabbed it off my tumblr)
I need to do more, be more and remind myself of the things I want to do and be.
I can do it. Anyone can, never doubt yourself.
Get out there and do what you want. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Here It IS!

My first post! Yesterday I went on my shorter run of the week (3 miles) and after running and before working I was craving a yummy, iced latter with WHOLE MILK (which I do not drink). Which is not really relevant but I guess after months of starting to train for a marathon my craving for even a sweet coffee has returned, I think I deserve it!

Unfortunately, my running has taken a backseat to more important events. Watching all the episodes of The Walking Dead. Currently I am on season 3 and my heart is racing as I type this because I have it on in the background (I probably look like a technology junkie if someone were to look in my window right now) This show is SO intense, safe to say it has officially replaced the craziness of Gossip Girl for me (R.I.P Gossip Girl) If any of you watch it please, discuss with me!!! I think it is one of my favorite conversations to have lately (love you rick!)

I am also trying to decide what Yoga class I should go to today. There is a 5:15 at a studio I normally go to or I could go to crossfit. I am loosely following Hal Higdons first marathon training program, which is an 18 week program and gradually increases mileage and intertwines cross training days. Well I didn't have 18 weeks because originally I was going to run the Oceans Half Marathon on the beach on March 11th but figured the Cox Rhode Races Registration is still open! (YAY!) so hence taking on my challenge and goal of my first marathon, so i started training at 9 weeks out and currently I have 8.5 to go (eeeeek). I love talking to people about their marathon experiences so please share!

I am also feeling very springy lately and cannot wait to get out on the beach to RUN and SURF and YAY it will be awesome, it has been warming up in this little state, about 55 degrees today and yesterday, which is AMAZING! 

Here is some Spring/Summer inspiration, get out there and do what you want!