Thursday, March 14, 2013

Where are you motivation!?

Yesterday I had a talk with my boyfriend on how as much as I already do, I want to take on more. I want to get outside and hike more and surf in the summer and create these yoga beach events I want to, and run at the crack of dawn so I have time in my day. I planned to start today, which unfortunately I did not. Thats okay though, my determination is there I just need to follow through. Starting tomorrow, for my medium and small runs I am going to get out of the door right after I wake up. I already wake up at 6:30 when my boyfriend leaves, so instead of laying in bed for that extra half an hour I am going to get up, go run, come home then get ready for work and the rest of my day.

I guess I am a morning person but for some reason this still poses difficulty (I blame the cold weather?) We are both active people, my boyfriend and I but don't you ever get the feeling you want to do MORE? get out there? Yesterday during savasana after my 5:15 vinyasa class, I realized I need to do more and I can, it is myself who is setting these 'rules' and 'boundaries', there are no rules or boundaries! I need to break that wall and instead of scheduling always my day how it will 'make the most sense' (which is dumb) I am going to flow, just like a vinyasa class, with what feels good. and if that means running at 6 am, hiking after work, surfing at midnight - so be it! I will do it. And to think I was in the parking lot of yoga yesterday contemplating if I definitely wanted to go in or not, and boy am I so happy I did. How do you get out of that funk and push yourself? I would love to know. And if you do set these barriers, and boundaries for yourself how do you push past them? If you haven't, I know you can. 

this photo spoke to me as I was writing this (grabbed it off my tumblr)
I need to do more, be more and remind myself of the things I want to do and be.
I can do it. Anyone can, never doubt yourself.
Get out there and do what you want. 

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